Principal's Message
Mr. Gonzalez
Introduction Letter
Dear Twain Families,
I am very excited to be joining the Twain Community as your new Principal for the upcoming school year. I have served in the district for over twenty-five years both as an Elementary School Teacher and Administrator.
My work as an educator in LBUSD began when I served as a teacher at Herrera Elementary, where I taught 1st and 2nd grade for 16 years. I began my administrative career as an Assistant Principal at Hudson then continued at Smith, Dooley, andLincoln. In my most recent assignment, I served as Administrator in the Early Learning and Elementary Schools Office.
I understand that a change in leadership brings excitement and anticipation, but at the same time a feeling of uncertainty. Twain is a fantastic school and I am looking forward to working alongside each of you building on your wonderful school community of positive relationships, where all voices are heard. I will continue to prioritize that special Twain sense of welcome and belonging that is felt when you walk through the doors.
My hope is, as a school community, we work together to continue Twain’s tradition of excellent student achievement while creating a safe and inclusive environment in which all students, staff and parents are embraced and feel appreciated.
New to Twain
I also would like to take this opportunity to introduce some new staff members who will be joining our Twain family. Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Ashley Rhoads (SEL Facilitator), Dr. Diane Fogarty (2nd Grade, CCT), Mrs. Teresa Lockerman (2nd Grade, PALS), and Mrs. Onti Martinez (2nd Grade), Ms. Taylor Winters will be our new (5th Grade GATE) teacher, Dr. Paula Propst will be our new (Instrumental Music) teacher, and we will have a new office assistant, Mrs. Linda Condon. Mrs. Bass will be returning as our (4th Grade GATE) teacher.
Families wishing to show appreciation to our teachers and staff throughout the school year can make donations of water, coke zero, coffee pods, coffee creamer, and snacks for the Teacher's Lounge. All donations may be turned into the front office. Thank you!
With appreciation,
Mr. Gonzalez